4 x 8oz. black cod (marinate a full day ahead of time)

2 tsp. salt

4 T. mirin

6 T.  miso

juice of one orange

juice of 2 lemons

½ cup Avocado oil

¼ cup vinegar

1 ½ tsp. sugar

2 sprigs of mint

1 small bunch green onions, in julienne


1 ½ cup Basmati Rice   (1 uncooked cup is enough for about 4 regular servings)


Mix 5 T. miso, orange juice, lemon juice, mirin, and salt. Massage the miso on cod atleast 12 hours before cooking. Make vinaigrette while cod is cooking. Smoke at about 250F degrees for about 20-25 minutes.

For the vinaigrette, put 1 T. miso paste in a bowl and with a whisk blend in vinegar, sugar, oil, mint, and green onion.

On plate, scoop cooked basmati rice (follow instructions on bag for cooking) in a nice round shape with a cup. Place fish on top, drizzle with miso vinaigrette and garnish with green onions.




2.5 lbs. rockfish, cut into 1.5” chunks

2.5 lbs. lingcod, cut into 1.5” chunks

2.5 lbs. salmon belly, cut into 1.5” chunks

1ct. red pepper, cut into ¼” strips

½ ct. large onion, in julienne

1-2 ct. jalapeño, to taste

1 bunch cilantro

2 tsp. garlic, chopped

3 ct. roma tomatoes

2 cans coconut milk

3-4 tsp. salt, to taste

¼ cup olive oil



Heat large, shallow pot (10” diameter, 3” deep) over high heat. Add olive oil & onions until brown a little, then add the peppers & tomatoes. Incorporate garlic, coconut milk, and salt and check seasoning to taste. Let simmer until peppers are tender, then add the fish, jalapeños & cilantro. Check seasoning before serving over rice in a bowl.

Bon appetit!